Solely on your feet, there is a map of the organs and systems in your body. Foot Zone Therapy is a hands-on modality that supports your entire body by promoting the healthy balance of every function.

Get on your feet with whole body wellness!

Michele Reger

Certified Foot Zone Practitioner


call/text: 540.923.0090

facebook: @solelychele

Session Rates:

Foot Zone Session 

(Ages 14 - Adult)   75 mins.    $75 

Fill a stamp card with 3 sessions, 4th session is $50

Foot Zone Session (Child) 

(Ages 6 - 13)         35-40 mins.   $40

(Ages Infant - 5)    25-30 mins.   $30

Cash, Check, or Venmo accepted

(Free 15 minute intro sessions available)

Location:   202 N. Main St. Broadway, VA  (inside Broadway CoWorking)

The feet are the foundation of the body.